HORUS Platform
The first testing platform in the world; it was launched in April 2020 with the starting of corona pandemic. It was a great opportunity that helped to motivate the students to continue their scientific excellence during the pandemic.
The development team of the organization is always providing ongoing development to the platform as it’s the first platform in the world to make students wherever they are from east to west to compete against each other at the same time.
The correction process, the monitoring, comparing the students’ results to determine the places, and the announcement of the results are done automatically one minute after the test ends.

◼ It was used in HORUS 1 Online International Mental Mathematics Championship in May 2020. Students from different countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Jordan, South Africa and Uzbekistan, attended the championship online on HORUS platform.
◼ Then it was used in HORUS 2 as the company launched the second edition in 2020 with the participation of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Jordan, South Africa and Uzbekistan. They attended the championship online on HORUS platform.
◼ After that it was used in HORUS 3 that was held in April 2021. Students participated online on HORUS platform from countries which are Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Jordan, South Africa and Uzbekistan.
◼ Then it was used in HORUS 2 as the company launched the second edition in 2020 with the participation of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Jordan, South Africa and Uzbekistan. They attended the championship online on HORUS platform.
◼ After that it was used in HORUS 3 that was held in April 2021. Students participated online on HORUS platform from countries which are Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Jordan, South Africa and Uzbekistan.
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