On January 1st,2023, a social media platform was launched by Al-Tarek Global Organization, this platform is PLANET. It was designed to be safe for children away from racial, sexual or political references since it’s under continuous monitoring by a highly qualified team. The children can share their happy moments, thoughts, photos, videos, and every moment of their life. At the same time, other children can support by reacting to the posts and adding comments as well.

Safe Environment

PLANET is designed to provide a secure environment for children. Strict guidelines are maintained to ensure the exclusion of any content that is sexually suggestive, promoting racism, involving political or religious publications, or inciting violence. The qualified team of PLANET continuously supervises the platform and promptly removes any content that violates these guidelines.
If a violation occurs, users receive a warning, and the offending post is promptly removed. For repeated violations, stringent actions are taken, including the permanent blocking of the user from our platform. PLANET is committed to maintain a safe and positive space for children, as PLANET creates an atmosphere where children can explore and learn without exposure to inappropriate or harmful content.
If a violation occurs, users receive a warning, and the offending post is promptly removed. For repeated violations, stringent actions are taken, including the permanent blocking of the user from our platform. PLANET is committed to maintain a safe and positive space for children, as PLANET creates an atmosphere where children can explore and learn without exposure to inappropriate or harmful content.
Wonderful Environment
Through the online platform, individuals, including children from all over the world can share many ideas and lots of posts. Scroll through your account to discover rich topics shared by enthusiastic minds as they unleash their creativity, offering a world of curiosity and diverse perspectives.

PLANET consists of two parts which are PLANET for kids and PLANET for adults. PLANET for kids is separate from PLANET for adults. This intentional division ensures that children cannot access content from the adult section, and vice versa. This segregation guarantees a safe environment for students. As for PLANET for adults, our dedicated team conducts comprehensive post reviews and relies on user’s reports, reinforcing our commitment to maintain a secure and inspiring community for users of all ages.
Global Contribution

Users dive into the vast expanse of information on PLANET, where the enriching experience of viewing a large amount of content and engaging in discussions with insightful minds empowers children to cultivate positive thinking and make a meaningful impact on society. This unique platform encourages young minds to explore diverse perspectives, broaden their understanding, and contribute thoughtfully to the global community. Through the exchange of ideas, children not only expand their knowledge but also develop the skills and mindset necessary to positively influence the world around them.